Laser and cryotherapy
New, minimally invasive tumour therapies.
Cryotherapy and laser therapy are innovative methods to treat tumours. Both methods are minimally invasive and thereby open up the possibility of a gentle (and, for example, breast-preserving) treatment. They can be used in benign, and even as treatment of, malignant tumours – if it is desired and possible to deviate from the current traditional medical guidelines. Which of the two methods seems more suitable depends on the symptoms of the illness (e.g. on the position or size of the tumour).
How does cryotherapy work in cancer and benign tumours?
A cooling probe with a diameter of only 1.6 mm is introduced into the tumour under ultrasound observation. The probe tip cools down to minus 80 degrees which turns the tumour into a ball of ice very quickly (depending on its size. Then it thaws again, followed by new super-cooling. Shock-freezing and thawing twice breaks up the cells into very small, resorbable parts and immediately interrupts the blood flow in the supplying capillaries.
How does laser therapy work in cancer and benign tumours?
Laser therapy (or laser vaporisation) means that “coherent” light is applied to the tissue. This light beam has a very high energy density as a consequence of an extremely high physical bundling of photons. With the help of highly energetic laser energy, the tissue is vaporised (evaporated). The laser disassembles the cells into the smallest resorbable parts and interrupts the blood flow in the supplying capillaries. The interruption of the blood flow prevents washing out of tumour stem cells.
The laser probe is introduced through a small cut in the skin and placed on the tumour under permanent ultrasound control. Then, the tumour is taken apart step by step by vaporisations. The process is continually monitored on the ultrasound monitor.
What does cryotherapy and laser vaporisation do?
- The affected organ is preserved and scarring is usually minimal
- The risk of adverse effects and/or collateral damage is low
- The process can be repeated if necessary
- The tissue structure of the tumour is destroyed
- The disappearance of the tumour-typical structure (desmoplasia) can be followed by ultrasound
- Washing tumour stem cells into the circulation is mostly avoided

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