The vitalisation program rejuvenates your cells and is therefore the most integrated anti-aging program possible
The vitalisation program:
- Sustainably strengthens and harmonises your immune system
- Increases your performance
- Improves your coordination and motor functions
- Stimulates burning of fats
- Rejuvenates your skin/your outer appearance
- Improves your nerve function
- Increases your ability to focus
- Increases your creativity
- Improves your mood/your spirit(prevention and treatment of burn-out syndrome).
We offer the immunobiological Vitalisation program exclusively in our Munich healthcare practice.
The vitalisation program is a prevention measure that is not covered by health insurance.

Blood analysis
The amount and precision or our measurements of amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and pathogens in our Munich lab is unique.

Our concept combines conventional and alternative methods. Apheresis procedures are an important diagnostic and therapeutic component of our integrative medicine.

By multiplying the body's own killer cells we activate the immune system target specific. Among other things for the treatment of cancer and viral diseases.